He Meets us Where We Are!

Recently I was sharing with some friends the following story. I had forgotten the magnitude of this experience but was reminded when retelling it so I wanted to share it here.....

I'll never forget one time I was taking a walk with my sisters and our babies at a nearby walking park. I had given Gabe my rosaries to hold in his stroller as we were going to say it later on together. When I asked him for them back, he (inevitably) said, "Oops!! Dropped them mommy" My favorite rosaries... GONE! What was I thinking giving them to a 2 yr old!

On our return back to the cars after the walk - a women was approaching us, hands clutched ... crying. When we finally got closer I realized she was holding my rosaries and sobbing. We all stopped, and she asked us if they were ours. I said yes and she she gestured to give them back.

I said "No, you have them... obviously they have touched your heart in a special way!" And she continued by saying that that she was going through a most difficult time in her life with her marriage and she just left her house that afternoon to clear her head ... she begged that if God were really there... to send her a sign not to go through with the divorce she was planning to file. Then on her walk she found these rosaries placed so "strategically" as for her to not walk right passed them. There was her answer... PRAISE BE TO GOD! :)

He never out does Himself in generosity and tenderness... meeting us always where we are!


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